Details of our Courses

Private Online Classes
Take a one to one class with the tutor of your choice. Adjust the schedule to your convenience and choose between 30 or 60 minutes classes.
Our packages are montlhy based so think about how many classes do you want to take each month and book that package!
The program is tailored to your needs and interests. Our goal is take our students to the next step in Spanish language acquisition. Both children and adults are accepted.
You can request our Private Online Classes right at this button

Group Courses
Do you want your child to have more interaction with other children in Spanish? Group classes are focused on social and interactive activities. We divided children based on age and level of Spanish.
Classes can be taken once or twice a week for 60 minutes each day.
A live tutor guide the class.
The class follows the regular curriculum of Educando a America.
You can request our Group Courses right at this button

Adult Classes
Educando a América propone también cursos para adultos:
- Curso para Formación de profesores de español como Segunda Lengua
- Taller de escritura
- Taller de lectura e interpretación de textos.
Los cursos están sujetos a un cupo mínimo de alumnos inscriptos. Si estás interesado en participar en algún curso en particular escríbenos a para averiguar cuándo es la fecha del próximo.